Bridge Building (Trade paperback (US))

Bridge Building (Trade paperback (US))

Bridge Building invites readers to consider the practical theological value of metanoia and praxis. This requires a conversion toward social action that seeks to transform personal prejudices and political realities where social injustice is accepted as the cultural norm, specifically regarding the global ecological problem, the plight of migrants and refugees, and extreme global poverty. In this way, the paradigm of Bridge Building serves the Church by overcoming the fragmentation between some forms of theology where "an opposition between theology and pastoral ministry emerges as if they were two opposite and separate realities which have nothing to do with each ...

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Bridge Building invites readers to consider the practical theological value of metanoia and praxis. This requires a conversion toward social action that seeks to transform personal prejudices and political realities where social injustice is accepted as the cultural norm, specifically regarding the global ecological problem, the plight of migrants and refugees, and extreme global poverty. In this way, the paradigm of Bridge Building serves the Church by overcoming the fragmentation between some forms of theology where "an opposition between theology and pastoral ministry emerges as if they were two opposite and separate realities which have nothing to do with each ...

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  • Imprint : Herder & Herder
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  • Title : Bridge Building
  • Formats : Epub (9780824501785), Paperback (9780824598068),
  • Imprint : Herder & Herder
  • Keywords : Pope Francis, outreach, dialogue, church renewal
  • Language : eng
  • Number of pages : 276
  • Publication date : 8/25/2020
  • Table of content : Part I: Bridge Theology: Method and Methodology Introduction to Bridge Theology (Thomas Kelly/Robert Pennington) Chapter 1: Pope Francis’ Methodological Realism: The Bridge from the Virtue of Prudence to Practical Theology (Bob Pennington) Chapter 2: Synodality as Bridge Building for Global Catholicism (Bryan Froehle) Chapter 3: From Social Unity to the Pastoral Activity of the People of God—The Contribution of the Conference of Medellin (Rafael Luciani) Chapter 4: Bridge Building with Social Analysis and Theology: A Path Toward Reconciliation and Peacebuilding (Maria Cimperman) Part II: Bridge Theology and Social Analysis Chapter 5: Becoming Islands of Mercy in a Sea of Indifference: Migration, Social Sin, and Conversion (Kristen Heyer) Chapter 6: A Bridge Over Troubled Assumptions: Conversion and Action for Disability Inclusion (Mary Jo Iozzio) Chapter 7: “Where There Is Hurt, There Mst Be Healing”: Native Values, Restorative Justice, and Feminist Bridgework (Kate Lassiter) Chapter 8: Economy of Communion as Lived Bridge Theology: Redemptive Transformational Entrepreneurship for Persons (Andy Gustafson) Part III: Bridge Theology: Latin American Models of Theological Praxis Chapter 9: Rutilio Grande, SJ: Ignatian Spirituality and Human Agency: The Bridge to Integral Human Development (Thomas Kelly) Chapter 10: Each Saint Is a Mission—and a Bridge (Damien Zynda) Chapter 11: Archbishop Oscar Romero and the Crucified People: A Bridge to Pope Francis (Robert Lassalle-Klein) Part IV: Bridge Theology: Forming Bridge Builders in the Classroom Chapter 12: The Bridge of Solidarity: Faith-based Advocacy for Undocumented Students (Ana Grande) Chapter 13: The Practical Theological Journey of Participatory Action Research: Building the Bridge Between the Classroom and the Field (Claudia Helena-Herrera) Chapter 14: Building Bridges Between Universities and Their Neighbors: The Jesuit Commitment to Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning (Daniel X. Walsh) Afterword: Bridging Faith and Action: The Case of Catholic Charities and Cardijn’s See-Judge-Act Methodology (Brian R. Corbin)
  • Trim size : 9.0000 x 6.0000
  • Type : Paperback

David Pocta (Author)

David Pocta is a Christian Spirituality Scholar, ministry builder, and educator. After nearly three decades of pastoral work, he returned to school for his PhD in Christian Contemporary Spirituality. His work blends his experience in pastoral ministry with spirituality scholarship. His research interests include the spiritual journey, spiritual wilderness, contemporary evangelical church culture, and Christian mysticism. His dissertation addressed how the spiritual journey of Christians, when in their own wilderness, exposes the need for a reimagined church culture in Protestant evangelicalism. David is a collaborator and builder. He enjoys creating spaces for honest dialogue and authentic learning. He lives with his wife of more than thirty years in San Antonio and treasures having his daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren nearby.

David Pocta (Author)

David Pocta is a Christian Spirituality Scholar, ministry builder, and educator. After nearly three decades of pastoral work, he returned to school for his PhD in Christian Contemporary Spirituality. His work blends his experience in pastoral ministry with spirituality scholarship. His research interests include the spiritual journey, spiritual wilderness, contemporary evangelical church culture, and Christian mysticism. His dissertation addressed how the spiritual journey of Christians, when in their own wilderness, exposes the need for a reimagined church culture in Protestant evangelicalism. David is a collaborator and builder. He enjoys creating spaces for honest dialogue and authentic learning. He lives with his wife of more than thirty years in San Antonio and treasures having his daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren nearby.

Bridge Building invites readers to consider the practical theological value of metanoia and praxis. This requires a conversion toward social action that seeks to transform personal prejudices and political realities where social injustice is accepted as the cultural norm, specifically regarding the global ecological problem, the plight of migrants and refugees, and extreme global poverty. In this way, the paradigm of Bridge Building serves the Church by overcoming the fragmentation between some forms of theology where "an opposition between theology and pastoral ministry emerges as if they were two opposite and separate realities which have nothing to do with each other" (Pope Francis, 2015). Contrary to all previous dualism between the sacred and secular, Bridge Building seeks to end the compartmentalization of the faith that academic theology has, at times, reinforced. Thought and action must proceed together for Christians to live an integral life. Neither orthodoxy nor orthopraxy can be understood in isolation, as the deepest mysteries of the Christian life can only be "known" through action. This theological method favors accompaniment as a pastoral strategy, encounter as epistemologically necessary, and praxis as the only possibility for real conversion. Loving action is participation in the God who is found most profoundly in the crucified people of today.
