The Examen Prayer (Trade paperback (US))

The Examen Prayer (Trade paperback (US))

The examen prayer is a transforming and ever-growing practice in Christian spirituality. In The Examen Prayer, Fr. Timothy Gallagher draws from real-life stories and his experience as a spiritual director to explain the core principles of the examen prayer: What is the examen and how can we begin to pray it? How can we adapt it to our individual lives? What are its fruits? ...

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The examen prayer is a transforming and ever-growing practice in Christian spirituality. In The Examen Prayer, Fr. Timothy Gallagher draws from real-life stories and his experience as a spiritual director to explain the core principles of the examen prayer: What is the examen and how can we begin to pray it? How can we adapt it to our individual lives? What are its fruits? ...

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  • Imprint : Crossroad
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  • Title : The Examen Prayer
  • Formats : AudioMP3 (9780824523251), Epub (9780824549725), AudioCD (9780824521851), Paperback (9780824523671),
  • Imprint : Crossroad
  • Keywords : Ignatian spirituality, Spiritual Exercises, Examen, Examination of Conscience, discernment, examen prayer, spiritual direction, prayer guide
  • Language : eng
  • Number of pages : 192
  • Publication date : 8/1/2006
  • Table of content : Contents Foreword by George Aschenbrenner, S.J. 9 Acknowledgments 15 Introduction 19 Spiritual questions / 19 A practical book / 21 Experiencing the examen / 22 An Outline of the Examen 25 Part One DESIRE 1. Discovering the Examen 29 A journey of thirty years / 29 The deepest desire of the human heart / 35 Learning about the examen / 38 2. A Day with Ignatius 42 A gradual growth / 42 The day begins / 43 The Mass / 45 A time of spiritual desolation / 46 The problem. / 47 The answer. / 48 Assaults. and a firm response / 49 “Is it really possible to live this way?” / 51 Part Two PRACTICE 3. First Step: Gratitude 57 “The highest grace and everlasting love of Christ our Lord” / 57 An experience of gratitude: A day with Jean / 60 Confirmed in God’s love: A day with Tom / 63 The practice of step one: Gratitude / 65 6 Contents 4. Second Step: Petition 68 “It is all about something that God does” / 68 Asking for light and strength: A day with Ellen / 69 Praying for assistance: A day with Bob / 70 Seeking the wisdom of the Spirit: A day with Rita / 72 The practice of step two: Petition / 72 5. Third Step: Review 75 What Ignatius reviews / 75 What we review / 78 A walk with the Lord: A day with Don / 79 An experience of discernment: A day with Susan / 82 The practice of step three: Review / 85 6. Fourth Step: Forgiveness 87 Forgiveness and relationship / 87 Our image of God / 88 “Love bade me welcome” / 89 The practice of step four: Forgiveness / 91 7. Fifth Step: Renewal 95 Looking to the future / 95 Spiritual growth: A day with Joan / 97 Choosing commitments: A day with Kevin / 98 In the midst of turmoil: A day with Elaine / 99 The practice of step five: Renewal / 101 8. Flexibility 103 The examen and the individual / 103 In the freedom of the Spirit / 105 Creative fidelity / 107 Part Three CONDITIONS 9. The General Setting of the Examen 113 The importance of the setting / 113 Spiritual accompaniment / 114 Examen and our life of prayer / 117 Developing the contemplative capacity / 118 Contents 7 10. The Specific Setting of the Examen 122 Beginning and concluding the examen / 122 “Where can I pray the examen?” / 126 “Do I have time for the examen?” / 128 Journaling and the examen / 132 Periodic renewal in the examen / 135 Part Four COURAGE 11. Examen and the Courage to Love 139 “I am sent to count your footprints” / 139 Beginnings / 141 The wounds of the heart / 143 12. Examen and Surrendering to Love 148 Spiritual consolation and spiritual desolation / 148 Letting go / 152 “Love needs no cause outside itself” / 155 Part Five FRUIT 13. Examen and the Community 159 The fruit of Ignatius’s examen / 159 The fruit of our examen / 160 Discerning awareness throughout the day / 163 Examen and life together / 165 14. The Examen and Choices 169 “I come to do your will” / 169 Progressive clarification / 172 Finding God in all things / 173 Notes 177 For Further Reading 190
  • Trim size : 9.0000 x 6.0000
  • Type : Paperback

David Pocta (Author)

David Pocta is a Christian Spirituality Scholar, ministry builder, and educator. After nearly three decades of pastoral work, he returned to school for his PhD in Christian Contemporary Spirituality. His work blends his experience in pastoral ministry with spirituality scholarship. His research interests include the spiritual journey, spiritual wilderness, contemporary evangelical church culture, and Christian mysticism. His dissertation addressed how the spiritual journey of Christians, when in their own wilderness, exposes the need for a reimagined church culture in Protestant evangelicalism. David is a collaborator and builder. He enjoys creating spaces for honest dialogue and authentic learning. He lives with his wife of more than thirty years in San Antonio and treasures having his daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren nearby.

David Pocta (Author)

David Pocta is a Christian Spirituality Scholar, ministry builder, and educator. After nearly three decades of pastoral work, he returned to school for his PhD in Christian Contemporary Spirituality. His work blends his experience in pastoral ministry with spirituality scholarship. His research interests include the spiritual journey, spiritual wilderness, contemporary evangelical church culture, and Christian mysticism. His dissertation addressed how the spiritual journey of Christians, when in their own wilderness, exposes the need for a reimagined church culture in Protestant evangelicalism. David is a collaborator and builder. He enjoys creating spaces for honest dialogue and authentic learning. He lives with his wife of more than thirty years in San Antonio and treasures having his daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren nearby.

The examen prayer is a transforming and ever-growing practice in Christian spirituality. In The Examen Prayer, Fr. Timothy Gallagher draws from real-life stories and his experience as a spiritual director to explain the core principles of the examen prayer: What is the examen and how can we begin to pray it? How can we adapt it to our individual lives? What are its fruits?
